Ismael Celis

The Decide, Evolve, React pattern in Ruby 11 minutes read

The Decide, Evolve, React pattern in Ruby, explained step by step

Railway-Oriented Pipelines in Ruby pt. 5: Testing pipelines 2 minutes read

Testing Railway-oriented pipelines in Ruby.

Railway-Oriented Pipelines in Ruby pt. 4: Middleware 5 minutes read

Implementing middleware in a Railway-oriented pipeline in Ruby.

Railway-Oriented Pipelines in Ruby pt. 3: Extending pipelines 4 minutes read

Implementing domain-specific steps and extending a Railway-oriented pipelines in Ruby.

Railway-Oriented Pipelines in Ruby pt.2: User input, errors and metadata 5 minutes read

Handling user input, errors and metadata in a Railway-oriented pipeline in Ruby.

Practical Railway-Oriented Pipelines in Ruby 7 minutes read

A simplified approach to building composable data pipelines in Ruby, with examples and use cases.

Event Sourcing with Ruby examples. The Command layer. 11 minutes read

The Command Layer is the place where business logic happens, user input is handled and decisions are made. In this article I explore the role of the Command Layer in event-sourced systems

Event Sourcing with Ruby examples. The Event Store interface. 3 minutes read

The Event Store interface is the canonical data store in event sourcing, and it’s in charge of persisting and retrieving events produced by your system.

Event Sourcing from the ground up, with Ruby examples, part 1 5 minutes read

In this series I’ll go over the basic concepts in Event Sourcing. The code examples are in Ruby, but the general principles should apply in any language.

Exploring Railway-Oriented programming in Ruby 10 minutes read

An exploration of patterns for building composable data pipelines in Ruby, from the basics to the possibly YAGNI.

Written elsewhere…

Writing a Hypermedia API client in Ruby
Writing a Server Sent Events server in Go
Streaming downloads proxy service with Node.js
A network of data consumers and producers with Go, UDP, Redis and ZeroMQ
Custom event emitters in Javascript
A JSON event-based convention for WebSockets